So this year we decided to home school our two little……..uhm…….angels (?).

Man oh man was I nervous. “What if they fall behind? What if they hate me for pushing them? What if they get lazy? What if I get lazy? ” These questions and many more have been twirling around in my mind. But after hours upon hours of Internet scouring I came upon this terrific program.

The lesson manuals are so easy to follow. They practically lay out your day for you (fantastic for those days when YOU don’t want to think) and offer endless amounts of additional Internet resources.  The company also has wonderful support (phone, chat, e-mail).

We enrolled in their ATS program. This is a great additional feature.  This lets me submit my kids work along with his or her test to the school and they get to be the bad guys and grade it and comment.

It is a bit pricey compared to others, but you get everything you need. It comes with all the textbooks required, work pages, word cards, reading books, and much more. They also give you a few extras like a cute little pencil box, crayons, paper, ect. We did have to gather a few typical household items for science experiments (i.e. water, paper plates…stuff like that).

Well worth the money.