Croixdale Farms Wildlife Delight Deer Feed is a high-quality deer feed that is specially formulated to provide essential nutrition for any wildlife you are looking to care for. This 50-pound bag of feed is made with a blend of natural grains and minerals that are designed to support the health and growth of wild deer populations.

One of the standout features of this deer feed is its high protein content. With 20% crude protein, this feed is an excellent source of the essential nutrients that deer need for healthy growth and development. Additionally, the feed contains a balanced blend of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, which are all essential for the health and well-being of deer. Not only will you keep them fed, but you’ll also be aiding in their health. This feed caters towards a variety of deer, as it can be used to attract and supportĀ  white-tailed deer, mule deer, and black-tailed deer. While that is all they advertise for, I have found many other critters will eat this stuff up, including javelinas and elk.

Overall, whether you’re looking to support a local deer population or simply want to attract deer to your property for observation, this feed is an excellent choice.