The Omron Fat Loss Monitor (HBF-306) is a great piece of equipment to help regulate and control fat intake.

It measures both body-fat percentage and body-mass index.

It seems simple to use, Hold the grip of the machine handles for about 6-7 seconds then feed your information (age, height and gender). The problem then comes on which setting to use… Athlete or non-athlete, the instructions are a bit wishy-washy as to which to choose.

The Omron Fat loss Monitor uses electrical impedance to measure your body fat.

Just a little tip…..try to wear the same type of clothes. It doesn’t say to do this, but I have found that it does make a difference.

I was able to pick one up for $49. I would have to say that I don’t think I would buy it again. I just wasn’t impressed with it. It felt cheap and was difficult to program.